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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Zombies... in Rotterdam, New York

That's right people, thar be Zombies in the quiet town of Rotterdam, New York, and many other communities across America....  Zombie houses.

People leave homes after foreclosure and the properties often falls into disrepair.  According to the June 22, 2016 Daily Gazette article, banks are leaving the forclosees names on the deeds, denying responsibility for abandoned properties.  Municipal code enforcement officers keep track of vacant homes and often spend many hours tracking down owners who are responsible for property upkeep. If the bank doesn't clearly state that it owns a property, there is no one to work with to bring properties up to code.

Neighbors don't like living next to an empty house.  An empty, dilapidated house drives down adjacent house values.

This is the first house
I noticed...

The Papers taped to the front
door list the housing code
violations for the property.

Someone's keeping the lawn mowed here.  Probably a neighbor....

This house obviously needs
LOTS of work.

Paperwork is taped to the
porch windows.

There are conscientious neighbors in Rotterdam who mow the lawns of abandoned homes.

The paperwork on this abandoned
 house lists the owner, who
 lives in Colonie.

Or is this a dead end in a paperwork trail?

This house sit vacant with
its front door open.

Since I took this picture in May, the garage entry has been boarded up.

The tarps covering the roof
of this house shredded.

Now the house looks like it
could be a main character in
a horror movie.

In May, the New York State Legislature enacted legislation to force banks to identify and secure abandoned homes more quickly.

Someone comes by regularly
to mow the lawn at this house.

A newspaper sits moldering
on the front porch.

This house, in need of roof
repair, is empty because
a foreclosure.
These houses, and others across the country, sit empty, waiting for new occupants.  Some see sadness and failure.  I see the opportunity for new owners make memories in houses in need of families.

***UPDATE: 100 New York State communities have been invited to apply for grant funding for code enforcement, to keep track of vacant homes and the funding needed to enforce bank compliance of current vagrant property laws.

New York State fines mortgage company owner of a Zombie property for not maintaining the property.  The fine was $119,000.00.  Mowing the lawn and other maintenance costs a lot less than the getting slapped with a six figure fine.

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