The skies darken in Jerry's
Dark grey clouds fill the sky.
Eric and I went inside to wait out the wind and rain.
The skies start to clear and volunteer fire fighters speed down the street with blue lights flashing.... Eric, his mother, Jerry, and I wonder what happened....
During my walk the next morning, I find storm damage on the corner of Edgewood and Myrtle Avenues, just three blocks from Jerry's house.
Power and phone lines
are down.
Some of Jerry's neighbors are without power.

The lines follow the edge
of the road.
The large tree is badly damaged.
The street sign pole that holds
the stop sign, is badly bent.
Here's the end of the power
& phone lines.
I see the saw dust remnants of felled branches.
The side of this tree
was sheared off in
yesterday's storm.

An adjacent house on Edgewood
Avenue has mangled awning
supports lying on the front lawn.

The awning was weighted down
with those buckets filled with
cement sitting next to the car.
My guess is that the winds were too strong for the tie downs that were attached to the cement filled buckets. The wind wrenched the awning from its supports and the tubular supports were bent as the awning tumbled across the lawn.
Branches are strewn across the
roof & the front lawn of the
house across the street.
The winds and rains from yesterday's storms have damaged some property, but most of Jerry's neighbors were spared.
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