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Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Opening Ceremony at the 56th Escapade in Essex Junction, Vermont

Molly Pinner welcomes Esscapees
& Xscapers to the 56th Escapade
Opening Ceremony.

CEO Shawn Loring spoke
movingly of the power
RVers have when they
speak with one voice....

About their needs, their goals
& their expectations.

Kay Peterson, co-founder of
Escapees RV Club encourages
all of us to follow our dreams &
 to assist those we find in need.

There's news to share....  Kay Peterson's daughter, President Cathie Carr and son-in-law, Vice President Bud Carr, are retiring.  Cathie and Bud's son, Travis Carr, is assuming the President's position and daughter-in-law, Melanie Carr, is stepping into the Vice President's job.

The torch has been passed again and Escapees RV Club looks to the future with energy and optimism.

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