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Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Visit to the Flint RiverQuarium in Albany, Georgia

The Riverfront Park is an
eclectic mix of venues.

It includes a park, the Ray Charles Plaza and the Flint RiverQuarium.  Eric bought a Groupon for discounted admission here.

The Flint RiverQuarium is to
the left of the structure that
looks like a granary.

A Great Blue Heron preens itself.

It flew in last year & is
content here.

Turtles sit on a log. 

A close-up of a
Spotted Turtle

Three Gopher Tortoise
sit in a line, watching
visitors walk by.

Terrapin swims through
the water.

Eric films a Starfish's tiny
feet propelling it on the
side of the aquarium.

Tiny little feet move
on different arms.

Self portrait of a woman
obsessed with photography.

A Batfish sits on the
bottom of its tank.

A Coral Catshark with its eggs

The Catshark eggs were laid at
the RiverQuarium hatchery
earlier this year.

A Lake Sturgeon lumbers
through the water.

A Striped Bass swims nearby.

An up-close pic of a

Red Bellied Piranhas
have the tank to

A Gila Monster rests
beneath a piece of wood.

The Aviary

A Great Egret near
the pool of water

A Great Blue Heron
poses for me.

sits & waits for... something
to happen.

move in unison.

Eric & I watched Kings of Baja

The waters off the Baja Peninsula
teem with sea life.

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