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Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Bonus Display at the Georgia Rural Telephone Museum in Leslie, Georgia

Eric & I finished our tour of the

Georgia Rural Telephone Museum
& thanked the woman working at
the desk on our way out.

She looked up at us and asked if we had seen the car collection.  Our answer was, "No."  She said, "If you've got the time, come with me.  Mr. Smith keeps his car collection in the addition at the back of the building."

The door slides up &
Eric & I admire
the cars...

(More antique phones hang on
the walls of the addition.)

1955 Buick

1964 Cadillac Deville

An old Citizens Telephone
Company truck

An old Leslie Fire Truck
with a telephone ladder
& work area set up
at its rear.

A mural of a telephone

The perspective is great!

1960s GMC Citizens 
Telephone Company

The phone company truck is
 towing a telephone pole.

Mr. Smith collects antique Fords.

A 1920s Ford Model T

Model T Ford gets fuel
at a gas station.

A Ford Model T with
wooden spoked wheels

Convertible with a

A hard top Ford Model A

Mr. Smith enjoys collecting cars.  Eric and I are glad that he shares his collection with visitors.  

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