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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Government of Yukon Administration Building & Legislative Assembly in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

Whitehorse is the capital
of the Yukon Territory.

The total population of the Yukon Territory is 26,289.  In 1953, the capital of the Yukon was moved from Dawson City to Whitehorse.

Built in 1976, the Yukon
Government building has
historical & cultural displays.

Yukon Territory's Premiers
& a photo of the ceremonial
mace that is presented at
every legislative session.

The Legislative Chamber is

Voters from each of the Yukon Territory's 19 districts elect one member to represent them in the Legislative Assembly. The Speaker presides over debates, maintains order in each session.  The public is welcome to observe legislative sessions from the public gallery.

Murals depicting the history of the
Yukon Territory are on display
near the Premier's Office.

The Yukon Territory sends one

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