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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Driving to Watson Creek, Yukon Territory, Canada

We start out with a
Stone Sheep sighting.

Followed by Bison.

The clumps you see are
Bison droppings, which
we see for miles along
the Alaska Highway.

This is my closest shot
of the day.

WE Stop At Coal River Lodge
& RV for breakfast & souvenirs.

Over time, Bison carve out
"wallows" where they
roll around in the sand.

Rapids in the Liard River.

Contact Creek Lodge
Alaska Highway Milepost 590

This young Black Bear flees
as we approach.

A brown Black Bear.

Who knew they came
in colors?

Eric at the Yukon sign

Yukon Eric

Eric is named for the 1950s
wrestler who went by the
name of Yukon Eric.

This Caribou strikes an
interesting pose.

We arrive in Watson Lake,
Yukon Territory.


Geoff said...

Well, I guess it's Whitehorse either way, but going southerly, or northerly?

Geoff said...

Well, I guess it's Whitehorse either way, but going southerly, or northerly?