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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Our Drive to Pink Mountain. No.. We'll Spend the Night in Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada

Eric mapped out our trip complete with stopping points for each night.  Today's drive is to Pink Mountain.

Another beautiful day for
driving the Alaska Highway.

is the only wooden bridge
constructed for the Alaska
Highway that's still in use.

A curved bridge doesn't sound like a big deal, but this bridge is made of wood.

We check the sign to make
sure we are not overweight
for the bridge.

This is the longest wooden
bridge I've ever crossed...

534 feet in length

Unfortunately, the Historic
Kiskatinaw Curved Bridge
sign has been defaced.

We were stopped for construction
just outside of Fort St. John.

Eric gave the flagger a cold
 can of soda.

We followed a construction 
truck through the work area.

I recommend budgeting some time for Fort St. John.  They have a nice walking tour of the historic downtown.

Smokey the Bear is hard
at work in Canada.

We arrived in British Columbia
after mandatory snow tire
or chain season.

A deer grazes at the side of
the road & ignores the traffic.

A thirty foot tall lumberjack
stands by, waiting for something....

Shepard's Inn has a good
write up in The Milepost Guide.

Let's try some local food. 

A map shows how steep
sections of this long 
downward slope is. 

We are stopping at Bucking Horse
River Lodge for the night.

Food, souvenirs, gas &
propane are available here.

Eric put up our DirecTV satellite dish and could't find any satellites for television viewing.  This site will not do for our overnight stay. Onward to Fort Nelson!

Our fist glimpse of the

We stop to investigate these
wooden tripods that are seen
regularly along BC Route 97.

This is a Survey Post.

We arrive at the start of 
the infamous Suicide Hill

A decorated  Christmas Tree
graces the roadside.

We enter the Fort Nelson
Forest District.

This is a bus stop for
local children.

A Canadian Flag sits

 to the British Columbia

Fort Nelson has 
an airport.

We are spending the night in the IGA parking lot.  Eric selected this sight from the database at

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