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Monday, March 9, 2020

The Restrooms @ Betty Sue's 50's Diner in Yermo, California

The latest news is to wash your hands often.  Eric and I follow directions and you get a tour of Peggy Sue's Restrooms.

I pass a life-size James Dean.

James Dean & Marilyn Monroe
from the movie, Giant

Photos of Betty Page,
James Dean & Mae West

This is a multilingual
Ladies Room.

I stopped in my tracks when I
saw this & returned to the
door to make sure I didn't
walk into the Men's Room.

I'm sure the perfectly posed mannequin has other women stopping short too. 

Please remain seated for
the entire performance!

Life is like a movie
write your own ending.
Keep believing.
Keep Pretending.

For Beautiful Eyes 
look for the good in others.
For Beautiful Lips
speak only words of kindness.
And for Poise
Walk with the knowledge
that you are never alone.

Eric took these pictures in the Men's Room.

Rock n Roll

Two Rough & Tough
From Wind & Rain
Your Cheek 
Grows Soft with

Champ's Garage 1954

Growing Old Is
For Sissies.

Whole Lotta Shakin Goin' On!

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