The sewer hookup goes into one of the water compartment of the motor home
Here's the water fill controller. CITY WATER to use a water hookup and WATER TANK FILL to fill the tank for traveling.
The dots on the right show the levels of the fresh water, gray water and black water tanks. The pull levers are for the gray and black water tanks. Gray is water from the sinks and shower and Black is from toilet.
The water came in, was used and has go go out.
Here's the sewer hose at the sewer connection.
The hookup in the water compartmen. Believe it or not, since April when we went to full time living in this thing we have not had a sewer accident.... we know it will happen some day... it does for everyone eventually. One brain fart away from a special day with a sewer bath.....
This is the cool part of the dump system. Eric added this clear connector with a valve. We can stabilize the water levels between the gray and black water tanks. Keeping the horizontal valve closed, I can open the valve of the gray tank filling the clear section with water, then by opening the black tank valve the water pressure moves gray water into the black water tank. Since the gray usually fills first this setup allows us to go longer before dumping by transferring gray water to the black tank.
Here's the hook up at the campground's electrical outlet. There's an adapter from the electrical cord to the outlet. The end of our electric cable is 50 amp. We are using 30 amp service, which has a different prong configuration. The RV senses the 30 AMP connection so it will not draw more than that. If you try to draw over 30 AMPS it will automatically shut certain things down to keep it under 30 AMPS. This almost never happens unless using air conditioning... We certainly don't need that now.
This is the electrical compartment of the motor home.
The electric cable is stored in the gray cylinder on the left. There's a toggle switch for releasing and retracting the electric cable. On the floor, to the right of the compartment are is another adapter for when we use 20 amp service.
The 2000 watt inverter is on the wall on the right (white box) and is a modified sine wave inverter. It's very good but the replacement we are getting at AM Solar will be a pure sine wave inverter and will have much more capability for tweaking and efficiency.
The electric cable is stored in the gray cylinder on the left. There's a toggle switch for releasing and retracting the electric cable. On the floor, to the right of the compartment are is another adapter for when we use 20 amp service.
The 2000 watt inverter is on the wall on the right (white box) and is a modified sine wave inverter. It's very good but the replacement we are getting at AM Solar will be a pure sine wave inverter and will have much more capability for tweaking and efficiency.
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