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Monday, September 24, 2012

Nevada Into Oregon Part I

In Northern Nevada Eric and I turn onto a two lane road.  This is how we will be driving to La Pine, Oregon.  I like the opportunity to take pictures.  Eric is in love with two lane roads and as excited as a little boy.  

The road west

Clouds on the mountain

Eric had to use the facilities and I told him I could take over and drive.  He’s having a great time and wants to continue driving.  His trump card is,  “I own this motor home and I have dibs on driving.” The motor home is in his name because I couldn’t get out of working on a Saturday on just a few days notice. Eric and our son, Adam, flew to Florida to pick up our 2004 Winnebago Vectra and drive it back in two and a half days. 

Eric stopped on Route 140 in Nevada, unhooked his seat belt and got out of the driver’s seat.  We were idling and the brake was not on.  As the motor home rolled slowly to the right, following the crown of the road, I sat down quickly, grabbed the wheel,  braked, put on my seat belt and accelerated. 


Sand Dunes in Northern Nevada

Driving in South East Oregon:  Eric drove along the side of a mountain.  I had an attack of vertigo and kept my mouth shut.  Eric stopped at a pull off at the left of the road and I got out to take pics, then he moves the motor home closer to the edge or the mountain.  I am shrieking and Eric can’t hear because the windows are shut. 

I’m taking pics that include the drop off and the lack of guide rails.  (In New York State, the guard rails are called guide rails by people that work at the Department of Transportation..  The layperson calls these metal barriers guard rails)

Eric retired from NYSDOT on September 13th and is amazed that the roadways in other states are constructed without all the safety features.  Apparently Oregon Department of Transportation decided that drivers can take care of themselves.   


AlexE said...

What wonderful pictures. The shot into straight-line infinity is iconic.

NY is the Lowest Common Denominator State in my estimation when it comes to the skill level required of its drivers (and in many other areas of life). Personal responsibility and competence have taken a back seat so to speak.
I love the West. And I am following your adventure closely because you are forging into that Opposite World that we have been deprived of during our NY years.

Funny about Guide Rails: I knew where you were going even before you pointed out the NYSDOT legalese distinction. To say they Guard would suggest the devices are responsible in some way, and blah blah blah 1-800-Lawyers.

Ginny said...

Thank you for the compliments on the pics. Eric and I take soooooooo many and just a few are posted.

Eric was all over the Guide Rail issue on these amazing roads in Oregon. From what Eric told me years ago, the Guard Rail/Guide Rail was part of a law suit years ago following an accident. Everyone at NYSDOT uses the term Guide Rail... The public uses the term Guard Rail because of legal issues.

We are not well traveled people and it's interesting to see what's missing from our driving experiences in New York.