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Friday, September 17, 2021

Driving West to Leavenworth, Washington

Eric and I start our day's drive northwest on Washington State Highway 291.

Bigfoot wears his mask as 
he walks through the woods

Our last glimpse of Long Lake.

Eric slows down for 
our next turn.

Turning onto Washington

We leave the forest behind for the High Plains.

The sky is a strange color today...

 It looks murky as we turn

The Davenport Water Tower

That's not fog...

Eric & I smell smoke.

The fire is miles away.  Air currents are taking the smoke to Lincoln County.

Entering Wilbur

Entering Golf Cart & ORV Zone

Eric & I agree that the

The road ahead...

A Bale Wagon waits to turn
onto US Route 2.

I take my turn behind the wheel.

Eric puts up his feet &
takes pictures.

for your Kidneys
Dr. Pierce's

Caution 6% Grade

Curves for 6 Miles

We follow the road through
mountain passes.

The Runaway Truck Ramp

Crossing the Columbia River

We pass fields of fruit trees.

Granny Smith Apples are
ready to go to market.

This hairpin turn is near

Today's Fire Danger
Campground is our home 
for a few days.

There's a lot of work being done at this time.  Eric was given a list of campsites that currently don't have electricity.  We find a site, under the trees with electric, water, and sewer hookups.

It's rainy and cold.  I'll keep busy with cleaning and household chores.

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