This sign helped Eric & me
find the State House Annex,
where the Guided Tours of
The front portion of the
State House is closed
for renovation.
The estimated completion
date is 2021.
Trenton was chosen as the New Jersey's Capital City because of its central location in the state. State House construction began in 1792. It is the second oldest State Capitol in use in the country.
The state government grew along with New Jersey's population, making additions to the Capitol necessary.
The state government grew along with New Jersey's population, making additions to the Capitol necessary.
This skylight represents
important places &
events in New Jersey
The Atlantic City Skyline, the Continental Army crossing the Delaware River, the Delaware Water Gap, the Hindenburg, Sandy Hook Lighthouse, to name a few...
The marble seen throughout the State House is not real. Artisans using the scagliola process created these beautiful, faux marble walls.
The New Jersey General
Assembly Chamber
Eighty Assemblymen and women serve two year terms.
is on display above the
Assembly Speaker's dais.
The three plows on the shield represent New Jersey's agricultural traditions. The gold helmet represents the state as a sovereign state. The horse above the helmet is a horse's head (also the state's animal.) Liberty, on the left carries a liberty cap on her staff. Ceres (Roman Goddess of the grain), on the right, holds a cornucopia of harvested produce.The state motto, Liberty and Prosperity is the base of Coat of Arms.
Thomas Edison's Electric
Light Company installed
this chandelier in 1891.
LED bulbs replaced its
incandescent bulbs.
The blue carpet evokes the pattern of a previous, hundred year old pattern with New Jersey's state symbols: the Purple Violets, the Gold Finch, the Honey Bee and the Red Oak Tree.
The former Supreme Court
Room is now the Majority
Party's Conference Room.
This 36 foot long table was
built specifically for this
Forty Senators are elected for four year terms, except for the first two years of a decade. The 2-4-4 year terms allows reapportionment as quickly as possible following each 10 year census.
Greek and Roman Goddesses
representing knowledge,
agriculture, industry, etc.
decorate the chamber.
This photo shows the gallery
where the public sits
during Senate sessions.
Looking down on the
hallway in the State
House Annex.
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