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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The 7D Turbo Ride at Crossgates Mall in Albany, New York

Three dimensional thrill rides are going mainstream.  My hunch is that technology has made the mechanics of this type of ride more compact and has allowed 3D rides to "escape" from expensive theme park settings...

The price of a one day ticket at this region's Great Escape and Splashwater Kingdom in Queensbury, New York is $46.99.  This cost covers all rides in the park, including any 3D rides, but still the up front cost is steep to access 3D thrill rides.

Eric bought a Groupon for
two for the 7D Turbo Ride 
at Crossgates Mall in

The 3D themed ride in a shopping mall is a money saver.  Customers are paying for a single ride, and not paying up front cost for access to a theme park.

There are eight rides to
choose from.

Eric & I are going to
take a ride into the
Tomb of the Pharaoh.

We find ourselves alone at the 7D Turbo Ride on a Tuesday afternoon.

There's no need to wait
for a seat....

The Tomb of the Pharaoh ride was fun!  The seats shook, soared and dove as the ride took us deeper and deeper into the tomb.  As we descended into the tomb, the air got moist and dank.  Finally, the Pharaoh burst the constricting bandages....  Agggh!

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