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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The New York Escapees Chapter 41 Rally at Beaver Spring Lake Campground in Davenport, New York

RVers from all around New York State came together for a weekend of camaraderie at Beaver Spring Lake Campground in Davenport, New York.  The group totaled eighteen rigs with fun loving Escapees.  

The visiting starts...

Peg & Grumpy stop by. 

Bill W., Bill M., Marg
& Earl swap stories.

Friday night dinner includes
pulled pork, pasta & corn
on the cob.

Phyllis, Fred & Bill W. have
a serious conversation
with wine.

Volunteer Club Representatives
Marilyn F. & Larry tell
the group about CARE,
Escapees' unique Assisted
Living Program.

Then, the fun starts....

Bill W. auctions off
bottles of wine everyone
brought for the event.

Proceeds will be donated
to CARE.

Marilyn W. shows off each
bottle of wine offered
 for auction.

Eric & contributed.

The Wine Auction raised over $600.00 for CARE.

Chapter 41's semi-annual
meeting was held on

Cool weather didn't keep us from enjoying each other's company.

Sitting: Eric, Marg, Mal,
Elsie & Grumpy
Standing:  John

After breakfast on Sunday, we said our goodbyes and headed for home.  The next rally will be in June, 2015.  Eric and I look forward to it.

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