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Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Capital Region's Beloved Amusement Park, Hoffman's Playland, Closes Today

After 62 years of providing
family fun to the Capital Region,
Hoffman's Playground is closing.

Eric and I drove to Latham (the northern section of Colonie) last week to say goodbye to this beloved fun park.

From the parking lot I can
see the Balloon Flight.

I, like thousands of local residents,  have fond memories of visiting Hoffman's Playland.

My brother, Al, drives the tank while I
enjoy the ride during a 1962 visit.

The September 15, 2014 Times Union article on Hoffman's Playland's final day.


Unknown said...

Hi! I'm working on the Hoffman's Documentary for WMHT, would you be willing to let us use your photo(s) in the documentary we are producing?

Ginny said...

Hi Melissa,
I'm happy to share photos from this blog for a documentary on Hoffman's Playland.