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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Shopping at Empire Wine in Albany, New York

The Empire Wine car is ready
 to make deliveries. 

Eric & I get busy shopping.

Our bar became depleted while we traveled into and out of Canada this summer.

Eric found Beaujolais Nouveau
2013 & bought tow bottles.

We looked for this wine last yer and weren't able to find it during our travels.  Eric started buying Boujolais Nouveau in 2010.  He liked that year's wine and I didn't.  The 2011 Beaujolais Noveau was amazing!  Eric  bought several cases of it and we shared it with family and friends.  The 2012 was good, but didn't meet or exceed the 2011 wine.

Jim is promoting Knapp Winery
& Vineyards finest wines.

He's holding Knapp Limencello,
an amazing lemon liqueur used
as a palate cleanser & digestive.

Limoncello is gaining in popularity across the United States.  Knapp Winery and Vineyards is happy to share and promote this light, zesty liqueur.

Jim invited us to a virtual wine tasting on September 27.
Have a glass of Finger Lakes Riesling & join the
conversation via Twitter or Facebook.

Join in.  The more, the better!

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