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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Returning to Rotterdam, New York

Eric & I drive Interstate 88

Built 34 years ago, the
road has some rough

Sometimes Eric drives in the left lane, as the road is less worn in the passing lane.

I love the views from
this road.

Some farms abut the

Autumn colors are
starting to show.

I also like to take pictures
 of curving roads.

Rust colored leaves
catch my eye.

The road has a rhythmic,
rumbling feel.

The Exit 21 ramp for
Warnerville & Cobleskill
is picturesque.

A small section of road
has been repaved with
black top.

I like the scenic view of
tree-lined fields.

Interstate 88 ends at the
Thruway Interchange.

Eric takes the Exit 25 ramp.

Next stop.... Jerry's house.

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