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Monday, December 22, 2014

Gomtuu Looks for Christmas at the Sycamore Lodge in Jackson Springs, North Carolina

Our mascot, Gomtuu feels left out!  I've been exploring Sycamore Lodge and he's been left behind to supervise Eric and sulk.

Gomtuu and I went for a walk so he could look for signs of Christmas.

Red berries & green leaves
remind me of Christmas!

The Hen House has a
Christmas Wreath on
its window.

Look at me!  Look at me!

I get to sit in springtime flowers
with a Christmas present!

I found a Christmas Tree
in the General Store.

Hee! Hee!  Look at me!

I'm in a springtime flower
pot in front of The Lodge
admiring the Christmas

I rule the beings on the 

This is a great Christmas-sy
spot for me to eat my bird
seed in the Dining Room.

It's pretty & toasty here 
at the fireplace.

For me!

Sing with me, people!

Have yourself a merry
little Christmas...

I found The Christmas

She's beautiful!

These campers brought a
Christmas Village with them.

A Snowman wishes everyone
Happy Holidays!

Even Santa has to go....

This motorhome is having a
Patriotic Christmas.

My motorhome has paper
cutouts in the window....

Ginny, you can do better!


Eric & Ginny are smooching
under the Mistletoe again!

Someone at the General Store
gave them that stuff & now
they kiss, kiss, kiss...

I like the bright colors and twinkling lights of Christmas.  People put out colorful and funny decorations.  The kissing is unnecessary.  I am issuing a decree to ban the display of Mistletoe.

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