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Monday, November 11, 2013

Escapees RV Club RVers' Boot Camp: Day Three

RVers' Boot Camp comes to an end following RV Tire Safety, RV Hitch-up Tips.  Following graduation, RVers who have signed up will have their RVs weighed before leaving Rainbow's End RV Park.

RV Tire Safety is a
BIG topic.

Depending on the RV, tires
can cost $200.00 & more
per tire.

Driving an RV puts a lot
of stress on tires.

Tires overheat when they
are overloaded or
under inflated. 

Overheated tires cause
tremendous wear & can
lead to a blow out.

Hitching and unhitching properly avoids costly repairs to RVs and tow vehicles.  There are many steps and it's important to complete each step each time an RVer hitches and unhitches.

Fifth wheel hitches are
easy & very safe.

Locking the hitch is easy.

After walking around the truck
& fifth wheel, the RVer is
ready to travel.

Towing a car with a
motorhome has many
more steps than a fifth
wheel hitch up.

This tow system uses 
air from the motorhome's
brake system for the car's
braking system.

An electrical hook up is
used for the car's brake

After our presenters answered questions about hitching and unhitching, it was time to thank our instructors and Escapees RV Club Staff who made everything run smoothly for three day series of workshops.

I am a proud Escapees RV Club
Boot Camp Graduate.

Thank you, Eric, for adding
my graduation tag to my
Escapees name tag.

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