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Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Tour of Rainbow's End Escapee's Park

The Escapee RV Club
Tours start in the
Club House

Escapees RV Club reviews

Mark Nemeth, Safety Education
Director, tells the group about the
 Boot Camp & SmartWeigh Program.

Sherri Burks, General Manager
of Escapees RV Club encourages
us to stop at the office with
all questions.

Susie Gearing is our
tour guide.

Escapees RV Club has
an amazing library in
the Club House.

There's plenty of seating at
the Club House for luncheons,
cards, crafts.

Movies are on the big
screen TV.

A full kitchen is available
for meal preparations &
serving groups.

Susie takes us to 

Stop in to ask questions,
sign up for member
services & discounts.

Headquarters proudly displays
article on Escapees' contributions

First & second place ribbons from
Livingston Christmas Parades.

Escapees RV Club displays its
 2004 National Mature Media Award for
 marketing& communications to
 those 50 & over.

Advertising the Escapee HOP Program

We toured the mail facility (no photos allowed).  A mail truck from Houston comes in for members and is sorted into over 9,000 mail folders.  Packages are accepted and linked with members' mail folders. Outgoing mail is loaded on the mail truck and goes to Houston for further sorting and delivery across the country.  

Then we boarded the trolley
& toured the grounds.

This 1964 Chevrolet trolley was
refurbished by Escapee members.

As we tour Rainbow's End RV Park, Susie points out different types of living arrangements: deeded properties, Escapees Rainbow Parks Unlimited lots and short term parking sites.

Some deeded property
have homes.

Some have RV shelters

ERPU Lots come
with a shed.

Overnight parking spots...
Some have full hookups.

Some have water & electric
 but no sewer hookup.

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