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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Dinner at the Malinda Restaurant at the Ramada Inn in Del Rio, Texas

We park at the Ramada Inn
in Del Rio, Texas.

Pass the main desk.

The hotel proudly
displays its awards.

We have reservations at
the Malinda Restaurant for
the Thanksgiving Buffet.

We are a little early and go
 for a pre-dinner drink.

Our table is ready...

The buffet is busy.

Fresh food comes out
of the kitchen often.

I chose fresh celery, a deviled
egg, a tiny bit of pasta salad,
potatoes, stuffing, cranberry 
sauce, pork loin stuffed with
 raisins, seafood salad, turkey
& roast beef.

Eric's choices included yams,
roast beef, pork loin stuffed
 with raisins, turkey, potatoes
& stuffing, covered with gravy.

Our 1.5 liter bottle of
Livingston Merlot.

Yes, we brought some home.

Our server, Salvador, gave
me a flower.

I feel special!

I chose a fudgy brownie
for my dessert.

Eric chose chocolate cake
& Tapioca Pudding
for dessert.

As we got up to leave, Eric mentioned to Salvador that he didn't see pumpkin pie on the dessert table.  (I thought that maybe pumpkin pie isn't served in this part of the country.)  Salvador went into the kitchen and produced two slices of pumpkin pie, boxed and ready to take with us.

Eric and I enjoy each other's company, and yet our first Thanksgiving away from our family made us a little sad.  Being in a busy restaurant with Salvador, who was very attentive, helped fill the void Eric and I felt.

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