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Friday, November 8, 2013

Escapees RV Club RVers' Boot Camp: Day One

Eric and I are attending the Escapees RV Club RVers' Boot Camp for three days.  Today's topics include: RV Basic Systems, RV Systems, Part 1, RV Driving Tips and Techniques, Choosing Your Perfect RV.

Our classes are held in
the Club House.

Mark Nemeth, Escapees Technical
Adviser & Boot Camp Director
reviews RV Basic Systems
& RV Systems, Part 1.

Hooking up, leveling, the water system and holding tanks, electrical systems are well covered.  Mark has his RV Gadget Box, from which he pulls handy items like water regulator and a voltage meter.  

Leveling side to side is critical for refrigerator function and efficiency.  Motorhomes must keep their rear wheels on the ground to ensure that the RV can not roll.  

I now know that 50 amp service is actually two separate 50 amp circuits for a total of 100 amps of 120 volt power.  When we are plugged into 50 amp service, I have all the electricity I could ever use. There's a lot more I could share....

During one of the breaks, Mark
showed students workings of an
exterior tank monitoring system.

George Mayleben, owner of
reviewed driving safety.

Stop & stretch every
two hours!

George's wife, Valerie, has written about her experiences driving their RV.  She gained confidence and experience as she drove the RV.  Valerie inspects the motorhome before they relocate.  She is fully engaged in RV travel safety.

The final topic of the day
was Choosing Your
Perfect RV.

There's an RV to perfectly
suit individual travel plans.

Each choice has its advantages
& drawbacks.

Buy new or used?  There are
pluses & minuses to either

I got a lot out of today's classes.  Review is always good.  Having a firmer understanding of electrical hookups is a big leap forward for me.

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