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Monday, January 28, 2013

Old Live Oak Cemetery in Selma, Alabama

About a mile from downtown Selma is Old Live Oak Cemetery.  Graves in this cemetery date back to the 1840s.  There are Confederate soldiers and officers buried here.  Obelisks, statuary and crypts are shaded by large trees with sweeping Spanish Moss.

Monument for Drury Fair Jones
Born June 29, 1856
Died August 22, 1878

One of many

A ledger stone
with a head stone

Eric chose the setting
for this photo

Children's graves
are common

A yellow Jeep invades
the ghostly cemetery.

The crypt of
William Rufus de Vane King,
 a founder of Selma, Alabama
and Vice President of the US
with Franklin Pierce
in 1852.

The Morgan Family

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