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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Renovated House on Campbell Avenue in Schenectady

I took pictures of this house
on Campbell Avenue in
Schenectady on
November 16, 2014.

Don, one of the men working on the demolition phase of this home renovation, told me that it is a Sears Roebuck house.  Sears Roebuck sold pre-cut and fitted materials for over 100 house plans  from 1908 to 1940.

This innovation cut the cost of home building across America.

What a difference six months makes!

Don & the men working on this
renovation chose to respect
the home's original lines.

I can only imagine the modern
open floor plan inside this
renovated home.

It's the best of both worlds...  This retro-styled house is energy efficient with an updated interior and the latest conveniences.  Don and the work crew have done great work.

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