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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Our Drive Into Canada

Eric and I drove to Alexandria Bay, New York to take the bridge across the Saint Lawrence River into Canada.

We stopped at the New York
State Visitors Center.
Returning to the main road
was tricky... The access road
under the bridge has a 10 foot
clearance.  We unhitched the
Jeep & Eric backed the
motorhome down the road.
After re-hitching, we retraced
our route to the main road
& the bridge.

We paid $7.25 toll for our
motorhome & car.

The car lane was busy.

We have all of our 
paperwork ready for
the border crossing.

Eric handed the Canadian Officer
our passports, registration & titles
for the vehicles.
After answering a few questions,
we were on our way....

Into OntarioCanada for the
joint Canadian/American
Escapees Rally @

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