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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Sneaker Repair @ Town Cobbler in Grove Spring, Pennsylvania


The stitching has

 come undone on

Eric's right sneaker.

His sneakers have lots of tread on them, making a repair worth its cost.  I called around and found a Shoe Repair Shop that reopened as Covid Restrictions have eased.

(Google Blogger is redoing its Blogging Product and there are issues that I can't work around, like unwanted spacing in photo descriptions and spacing between sentences and photos.)

Eric & I drove to

Spring Grove... 

... to Town Cobbler

Shoe Repair.

A wide assortment

of accessories &

blank keys.

I told Mr. Bortner that we would be leaving this section of Pennsylvania soon.  He asked me to wait while he restitched Eric's sneaker.  After examining the left sneaker and finding two broken stitches, he offered to reinforce its stitching too. 

The Rate Schedule

Eric's right sneaker has been

repaired with reinforced stitching.

Mr. Bortner stitched Eric's left

 sneaker, saving us from another

sneaker repair later.

He charged $5.00 for the repairs.  I told Mr. Bortner that he doesn't charge enough for his work.  He knows this and has no intention of changing his rates.  I thanked the skilled craftsman for his work and skipped back to our car with sneakers that will last another two years, or more.

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