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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Continuing North to Tok, Alaska

We are driving through a flat
area of the Yukon Territory
with mountains in the distance.

Is that a bad section of road ahead?

An accident?

Eric thinks they're looking
at wildlife.

After stopping on the side of the road and high-fiving, Eric and I got to work.  Eric videoed the Grizzlies and I started taking pictures.

The Grizzly Bears eentually head into the brush.  It was time to move on.

Eric drives at 40 miles per hour
 as we enjoy the scenery &
look for wildlife.


Beaver Creek, Alaska is
89 kilometers away.

In a pond just off the road,
 two Trumpeter Swans swim
side by side.

The Milepost Guide recommends slowing down and being alert for construction and frost heaves. There are plenty of frost heaves on this stretch of the Alaska Highway.  Eric drives in the oncoming lane, when he can, to avoid some of them. Our speed remains at 40 miles per hour and Eric slows down even more as he approaches rough patches.

We come upon a 
construction zone.

This is serious... 

There's a traffic light for this
construction zone.

We follow a pilot car.

After changing lanes twice, we
 exit the construction zone &
 resume our drive at 40
miles per hour.

I think these white tubes
are part of an experiment to
keep the permafrost frozen.

I wonder if the white sheeting
is there to make snow slide
off easily.

We enter Beaver Creek.

And stop at the Visitor Information
Center to get information for
the next leg of the our trip.

We follow a pilot car through
another construction zone
that has a red light.

This construction zone
is very dusty.

A reminder that we are
about to enter the Alaska
time zone.

Canadian Customs

After a few questions at US
Customs, we drove on to Tok.

Tetlin National Wildlife

Staff at the Tetlin Wildlife Refuge recommended we stop  at Seaton Roadhouse Interpretive Site and Trail to take a walk on the trails and look for Trumpeter Swans.

Just five miles down the road
from Tetlin National Wildlife
Refuge is Seaton Roadhouse. 

We arrive in Tok, Alaska.

Eric clipped a coupon from The Last Great Road Trip Magazine to get 10 cents off per gallon on a diesel fill up at the Chevron Gas Station in town.  After asking permission, we expect to spend the night behind the gas station.

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