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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Big Doings Just Up the Street... A Tree Is Coming Down

Eric and I went out early this morning.  This is what we saw when we returned...

The street is blocked all
that is needed to take a
big tree down...  A crane,
a large truck, a backhoe,
wood chipper....

The arborist is hard at work,
 preparing to take down the 
next section of tree.

Everyone on the work crew is
aware of the power lines.

The backhoe is moving
a section of tree.

Here comes another
section of the tree.... 

From this distance, it
looks like it's being placed
in the truck.

The cable will be released
from the log.

The crane operator is moving
the cable back to the tree.

The arborist prepares
to cut another section
of the tree.

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