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Monday, January 8, 2018

Our Drive to Boca Chica Beach in Very Southern Texas

Today's drive starts out southeast on Interstate 69E....

San Benito is the home
of Freddy Fender.

water tower.

It looks like a

The rest of our drive will
be on Texas State 
Highway 4 East.

Apparently, parking on
the Sidewalk is a
problem here.

This is the Rio Grande Valley

This area is the site of skirmishes between Union and Confederate Troops.  The last battle of the Civil War was fought at Palmetto Ranch on May 11, 1865.

This historic marker shows
the locations of a road &
floating bridge built for
military use in the 1840s
& 1860s.

This SpaceX Site is
under construction. 

The Radio Telescopes are part
of the 4,000 acre complex that
will launch orbiting rockets.

Eric and I don't see any houses.  They must be just over the rise.

The Landfill attracts 
LOTS of birds.

The Pavement Ends
in 500 Feet.

Beach Signs...
is April to September.

We can drive the beach!
The Boca Chica National Wildlife Refuge Rules are listed....  The Speed Limit is 10 Miles Per Hour.  No Glass Bottles.  No Littering.  Dogs Are to Be Leashed.

Let's go.........

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