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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Downtown Decatur, Texas


Decatur's mural looks like an old postcard.

The phrase, Eighter from Decatur, was coined by a 19th century gambling railroad worker.

Downtown Decatur is dominated
by the Wise County Courthouse.

It is to be reopened by County
Officials in October 2046.

A Sundial sits atop the Time

A Fire Escape has been
installed on the rear
of the Courthouse.

has an accented roofline & 
elaborate decorative

building is quite plain.

A painted cornice adorns the

overwhelms the building's
small storefront.

This Coca Cola Ghost Sign has been repainted.

Lawyers Howell & Carson
work out of the First
National Bank building,
kittycorner from the

This Masonic Lodge has
been used by different
Masonic Groups...

Its sign says that this is Wise County First Lodge; Westfork Masonic Lodge 186; Taylorsville/Decatur Charter 1857 Demised 1873; Decatur Lodge 447 Charter 1876; 
and CH 543.

Eric gets a selfie with the

The Candy Store is next to
BBQ - Beer - Burgers.

is now...

Facade work needs to be

a building with rough-hewn
bricks & an elaborate cornice.

Eric & I see Halloween
decorations at a Stop
sign as we leave
downtown Decatur.

Eric and I had a lot to talk about as we strolled downtown Decatur and admired its late 19th and early 20th century buildings.  Wise County Government and modern businesses have adapted to their historic infrastructures and thrive here. 

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