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Monday, November 30, 2015

A Visit to Bernie Sanders Campaign Center in Silver City, New Mexico

This is the first 2016 Presidential
Headquarters that Eric & I have
seen during this looong
presidential campaign season.

This Campaign Center is
New Mexico.

Senator Sanders does not have a Super Pac, providing nearly unlimited funding to his campaign.  He is running second to Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the three way race for the Democratic nomination with Former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley.  Clinton and O'Malley have Super Pacs.

Thirteen of the fourteen remaining Republican presidential presidential candidates have Super Pacs. Republican front runner, Donald Trump, ordered Super Pacs set up for his campaign to disband. 

The Campaign Center has
brochures on Senator Sanders'
 A Silver City resident is paying the rent on this space.  It is not a Sanders campaign expense.

Money raised from
purchases here go
directly to the
Sanders Campaign.

Items for sale include: Tee Shirts,
Hats, Mugs, Campaign Buttons,
Bumper Stickers & Lawn Signs.

There are two different
lawn signs to choose

Eric shared his political campaign stories with Sanders Campaign workers.  This 15 year old did his homework before volunteering for President Richard M. Nixon's Presidential Campaign in 1972.  He visited the Nixon and George McGovern Campaign Headquarters, in Schenectady, New York, before making his decision. The girls working at the Re-elect Nixon Campaign Headquarters were cuter than the girls working at McGovern Campaign Headquarters.  Eric became a regular volunteer at Nixon Headquarters.

Eric developed his phone skills while calling voters and asking for support for the President.  When fumbling with names during phone calls to voters, Eric would end these calls with, "Vote for McGovern."

Everyone remembers being 15 years old.

Our first 2016 Presidential
Campaign souvenirs

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