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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Driving Around Roswell, New Mexico

Let's get an overview of Roswell....  It is the county seat of Chaves County.  Over 48,000 people live in this 29.86 square mile city.  Roswell hosts over 175,000 tourists each year.  The vast majority of visitors want to know more about the alien crash landing that occurred here in July 1947.  The Roswell UFO Festival, held each July, celebrates the alien landing and subsequent alien activity in the area.

Walker Air Force Base, the former Strategic Air Command Base, now houses three large commercial aviation maintenance companies and a community college.

Thar be aliens here.....

This friendly alien
recommends a movie
at Icon Cinema.

An R2-D2 mail box at the

A flying saucer was
converted for use at

Somebody's watching

Roswell Hispano
Chamber of

Is the Third Rock from
the Sun ....

... an Alien Spacecraft?

This will be our first

Eric points out Yolanda's
Gift Shop & Typing

It's an alien invasion!

A General Electric

I feel at home here.

I got lots of information on
Roswell from the Economic

One alien space craft
came to an abrupt
stop here.

beams financial help
to the community.

Aliens are welcome
@ Arby's.

I wonder if conditions
here on Earth promote
extreme growth of aliens.

Some Roswellians
have not come to
terms with their
alien neighbors.

self serve & automatic
car wash options. 

Alien tourists prefer
Comfort Suites when
they visit Roswell.

Next up... The International UFO Museum and Research Center.

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