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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Breaking Bad Follow Up: Remembering Walter White in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Walter White was memorialized honestly and with dignity following the final episode of Breaking Bad on September 29, 2013.

Fans paid for Walt's obituary.  The right hand side shows its placement on page A4 of the October 4, 2013 edition of the Albuquerque Journal.

Walt's funeral was held at Sunset Memorial Park in Albuquerque.  The funeral procession was headed by Bernalillo County Sheriff Deputies followed by a beat up tan 1986 Fleetwood Bounder motorhome, a hearse and 80 cars that took ten minutes to pass. Two hundred devoted fans were gathered to bid Walt farewell.  In attendance were mourners from Mexico City, Ireland and Switzerland to pay their respects.

The evening reception, following the funeral, was held at Vernon's Speakeasy Steakhouse at the The Village Shops at  Los Ranchos. Their endowment, set up to raise money for the Albuquerque's Health Center for the Homeless, charged $100.00 per ticket for the reception.  Donations were also accepted.  An auction was held for local a painting depicting the various faces of Walter White by local artist Gabriel Ballentine.  Vendors provided desserts and copies of The Albuquerque Journal with Walt's obituary.  

The attendees spread out
across Vernon's Steakhouse,
with drinks made with blue
ice cubes, including the patio.

Some smoked cigars as they
listened to a live band perform.

Mourners shared their grief at the loss of Walt and Breaking Bad.  They needed this time together for closure.

Walt's grave stone was moved from Sunset Memorial Park to a 
nearby wall at The Village Shops at Los Ranchos.

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