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Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Road Less Traveled South from Santa Fe to the Turquoise Trail in New Mexico

Eric started taking Interstate 25 south to Tijeras and then decided that he wanted to drive south on the Turquoise Trail.  He found a road on the GPS that will take us to New Mexico 14 South at Cerrillos.

It's an unnamed dirt road.

A ride on the wild side...


One of several cattle guards
across the road

The road hugs the

I worry that the base of this
standing water is soft.....

Mud splashes up across
the front of the Jeep.

The water was just a few inches deep and the ground beneath was hard as a rock.  

A shot up cow
warning sign.

We drive between mesas.

Drive through Cerrillos...

... and turn south toward
onto New Mexico 14.

We'll be back at our temporary home at Hidden Mountain Resort in Tijeras in about 45 minutes.

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