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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Bowlin's Akela Flats Trading Post in Deming, New Mexico

 Bowlin's Akela Flats Trading Post includes a colorful "town."

The Gas Pumps are in
front of the Gun Shop
& Tool Shop, next to
the Souvenir Shop.

The Fire House
"Last Stop" Funeral Home
The Bank
Akela Postal Center

Pinki's Salon
Doctor: Blu Cross Blu Sheath
Akela Flats Court House
advertises Fireworks
Ladies Salon

Olopry Hotel
Walt Greens Pharmacy
Sweet Sandy Nut-Things
Harling Dickerson Bicycles

The Church
Yellow House of Produce
The Brown Barn

Eric and I pop into the Souvenir Shop for a look around.

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