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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Saturday in Las Cruces, New Mexico

An hour east of Deming

The sign proudly proclaims
that this is The World's
Biggest Chile Pepper.

 is located on North
Main Street.

Casa De Mi Alma
Wellness Center

My eye is drawn to the
harp-like statue & the statue
the first black mayor of
Las Cruces.

Eric got a Groupon 

takes up most of a city block.

Streets are closed for the
Saturday Farmers'
& Crafts Market.

The mural across the 
street from the train 
museum celebrates
the history of

I'm stumped...

Does anyone know the
make & model of this
older, "compact" car?

Eric gets a beer flight at
High Desert Brewing

promises Billiards
& Booze...

Food & entertainment
under one roof

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