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Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Quick Visit to Cerrillos, New Mexico

A dirt road off of New Mexico
 Route14 leads to Cerrillos.

Evidence of turquoise and lead mining in the area goes back to 900 AD .  This region was a major source for turquoise found in Chaco Canyon.

Park Visitor Center

The park covers 1,125

Turquoise Mining Museum
Petting Zoo

Visitors pay $2.00 at the store for meal and then feed the animals.


The Llama &

Goats love visitors
with food.

 This picture was taken about 20 yards from Casa Grande Trading Post.

I can see why this area is
a popular film location
for TV shows & movies.


According to, Cerrillos has been a location in 16 movies and one TV series. Young Guns, Vampires and Convoy are among the list movies.  Scenes from The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez episode of American Playhouse was filmed here.

Many of the buildings in downtown Cerrillos date to the last two decades of the 19th century.

These windows are

is currently owned by
 Campbell Steele.

As of 2010, 331 people live in this 1.4 square mile town.

 changed to Mary's Bar
in 1988.

Building is on the left.

The Sindoni Store, on the right,
has gone through many 
incarnations over the years.

Film companies must love Cerrillos, an authentic small western town with lots of wild open spaces for chasing bandits or vampires...

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