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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Breaking Bad's Albuquerque, New Mexico, Season 5

After Gus Fring's death, Walt (Heisenberg) needs a new partner to move the meth.  The meth will be sold in Europe and his contact is Lydia.

Walt & Lydia meet at

Later in the season, Lydia
will meet here with Todd.

Mike takes his granddaughter,
Kaylee, to this park throughout
Season 5.

The heat is on.... and Walt makes arrangements for Jesse to disappear.

Ed, the Disappearer works out of
Best Quality Vacuum Repair.

for Ed's "shop."

which some have described
as a cemetery, is where Jesse
waits to Ed to pick him up.

This is where Jesse realizes
that Walt has betrayed him.

Hank has figured out that Walt is the notorious meth cook, Heisenberg.  He begins a year long investigation to bring Walt to justice.

Walt, Skyler, Hank & Marie
have a very tense dinner at
Gardunos where Walt asks
Hank not to include Skyler
& the children in his

A corner of the Civic Plaza where
Jesse, wearing a wire, goes to
meet Walt to get incriminating
evidence for Hank.

Jesse thinks he sees a "hired gun" and flees.  He still wants to help Hank bring Walt down.

After a bloody showdown in the desert, Walt takes advantage of Ed's services and disappears.  He is relocated to a remote cabin in the New Hampshire, but Walt can't stay in hiding.  

Walt returns to Albuquerque &
celebrates his 52nd birthday at
Denny's, which has since closed.

Walt has to see Skyler and the children, one last time.  He has to clean up the horrible mess he made that day in the desert...

Post script:  Different websites have different lists of film locations.   Eric and I visited eight more Breaking Bad locations in Albuquerque than the Breaking Bad RV Tours.  Eric and I didn't have access to video clips of the Breaking Bad episodes that included the selected locations while we were driving from site to site.  That's OK.  We can binge watch the series again, looking for Breaking Bad's Albuquerque.

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