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Friday, November 20, 2015

Sampling Wines at Pecos Flavors Winery Tasting Room on Roswell, New Mexico

Eric purchased a Groupon
for a wine tasting with 
cheese & a bottle of wine at 

Pecos Flavors Winery
Tasting Room sells wine
 accessories & gifts.

Tables made with beer kegs
for small groups

The wine selection

Comfortable couches
for lounging

Pecos Flavors Winery
Tasting Room hosts
live music.

The light fixtures over
the bar are made with
wine bottles.

Robin, who was raised in Roswell, has fun stories to share.

This bar, from Tinnie, is
over 100 years old.

Legend has it that Billy
the Kid spent time in 
Tinnie, at this bar.

Eric & I sample seven wines
& snack on Cream Cheese
covered with Hot Sweet
Green Chilies with Crackers.
Eric sees beers on tap and asks Robin for a sample of Alien Imperial Stout by Sierra Blanca Brewery.  He LOVES it.

We chose a bottle of

Eric got a four pack of
Alien Stout.

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