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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Taking the Roads Less Traveled Near Carlsbad Caverns in Southeast New Mexico

We don't have any off roading guide books that provide information on unmaintained roads in New Mexico.  Eric used Google Maps to create a rough route for us to follow today. Some of the roads he expects to drive on don't show up on Google Maps, so I will be relying heavily on Eric's sense of direction and driving intuition to return to civilization.

Today's drive starts at Sitting
after 12:00 pm.

This area is prone to
flash flooding.

We are driving unimproved

I am liking
this view...

.... and this view.

Two roads diverged in the
Chihuahuan Desert...

 We stop to admire the scenery.

Eric carefully looked at this
downhill section before
starting off.

We continue our drive,
one hour & counting...

Eric pulls over at
this open spot.

We find broken glass...

This is a party spot.

 Our view...  Wow!

Eric finds an alien

We find shot gun shells, .22 gauge long and short shells, 9 millimeter shells.  That's how I think the cactus got its eyes.

A beer bottle neck adds
a "certain something" to
this flowering branch.

Eric & speculate on what's
in the black hose that is
strung across the road.

Our conclusion... Water.

Two hours and counting.....

Eric uses my cell phone &
GPS to make decisions on 
which way to turn on these
unmarked roads.

We are listening to podcasts on Eric's phone.

Eric is navigating us toward
the checkered flag.

The roads we are driving
today aren't on the GPS.

The last four roads Eric selected turned out to be dead ends.  

Three hours and counting...

That's where we've

Someone lost a muffler.

This section of road
probably floods.

Three and a half hours and counting....  Eric and I start make plans, in case
 we are still out here in the dark. We've got food, water, extra
jackets and a nearly full tank of gas.

This road leads to an
oil derrick.

I think we are getting
at somewhere....

Nope.... The road ends at a ridge lind.  And, there it is!

A truck!

We are getting closer
to the road home.

Four hours and counting,  Let's try another unmarked road.

We passed the truck and continued northeast, toward Carlsbad.

A windmill.... a sign
of civilization!

Cattle graze right next
to the road.

This one walks across
the road right in front
of us.

Finally, Eddy County
Route 429.

This road is paved
with Chip Seal.

The stop sign at
Hidalgo Road...

Eric & I are just 18 miles
from our motorhome,
parked on BLM Land.

We'll be home by 5:00 pm.

Eric and I loved the changing terrain we saw today.  The  road conditions were challenging enough for Eric AND the uncertainty of when our drive would end.  
A great adventure!

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