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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Touring the International UFO Museum & Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico

It happened here....  An unidentified flying object crashed northwest of Roswell during the summer of 1947.

 in 1992.

The museum provides information on all UFO phenomena, including the Roswell Incident, crop circles, UFO sightings, Area 51, ancient astronauts and abductions.  Visitors do research in the museum's library.  All this is available for $5.00 admission fee per adult.

A statue of Mack Brazel & the
debris he found in his sheep
field the first week of July,1947,
75 miles northwest of Roswell.

Brazel reported that he found the debris scattered across the large field and a long, shallow trench.

A replica of the debris
found on Brazel's farm.

A replica of a 1940s
radio station

I've included a Youtube 
recording of an ABC
radio broadcast about
the Roswell Incident.

According to the Roswell Daily
emptied the flying saucer.

Project Mogul, a classified
program using weather balloons
to carry secret payloads, & the
Roswell Incident

The Air Force investigation into the Roswell Incident concluded that the debris found on the Brazel Farm was from a weather balloon and not an extraterrestrial crash.  Some people believe that the Air Force was covering up an alien spacecraft landing.

But what about the aliens?  The Air Force reports stated that crash test dummies ere mistaken for aliens in 1947.

HAROLD, the Air Force's
anthropomorphic crash test
dummy was used from
1952  to the late 1960s.

This type of test dummy was developed in 1949, two years after the flying saucer crashed near Roswell.

A fellow visitor taking
photos of the flying saucer
& aliens display.

A display of Identified
Flying Objects

UFO hoaxes debunked

On the lighter side...

Aliens from other 
planets are funny.

This display shows a
scene from the Roswell
TV series that aired in
the 1990s.

Did Mack Brazel find debris from a flying saucer or a weather balloon in his field in 1947? I'll leave the evidence with you to decide.

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