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Saturday, February 8, 2025

LEGO Brick Fest Live @ the NRG Center in Houston, Texas

Everybody likes LEGOs and Brick Fest Live is in Houston, so let's go!

The nrg center is in the

Here we are at Brick Fest Live.

Eric & I visit different
tables to build the
Robot Logo.

The LEGO Mosh Pit!

A Brick Fest Live visitor
with a tail...

This Robot surfs on a Bus

There are giant LEGO creations here...

An Old Hotel

Downtown, where all the
lights are bright.

A LEGO Table with 
TONS of blocks.

Visitors display their
work on the nearby

Neil Armstrong &

The Hydra is creepy

I sit in the Captain's Chair at the Star Trek Exhibit.
William Shatner autographed it last year.  

There are rumors that the first Star Trek LEGO Set will be released later this year. 

LEGO Robots battle at
Brick Fest.

LEGO makes Star Wars Sets and Star Wars Fans are here at Brick Fest in costume.

Imperial Stormtroopers are 
on patrol.

Battling with Lightsabers

We pose with characters from The Mandalorian.

I love Construction Sites.

This Exhibit is great!

An African Themed 
Water Park

The friendly Alien waves goodbye...

Eric and I had a great time at the LEGO Exhibits.  The SciFi Characters and sets were my favorites.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A Snowy Day in Columbus, Texas

Sleet and Snow came to East Texas after sunset on January 20, 2025.  

January 21st starts out 
grey & cold...

7:00 am

Our next-door neighbor's

Snow covered steps

Our Camp Table is tilted
to let water run off of it.

My footsteps on fresh
fallen snow

All bundled up to explore
a grey winter morning in 

This isn't my first snowy day in Texas.  On December 8, 2017,  it snowed at Tropic Winds RV Resort in Harlingen, Texas, four and a half hours south of here.  

RVs on the other side of
the pond

The road is slick from last
night's sleet.

No one is walking or driving
at 8:00 am.

After a photo of our motorhome
& car it's time to return to my
cozy home.

This is a perfect day to make
a pot of Spaghetti Sauce with
Ground Turkey, Mushrooms,
Onion, Summer Squash &

My Sauce looks like Stew
right now.

I'm working on a Tropical
Ocean-themed puzzle while
I wait for sunshine & 
slightly warmer temperatures.

The temperature has risen to 35 degrees.  The Campground roads appear to have thawed.  I'm taking a walk...

Noontime sun is welcome

A Snowman with a
Winter Hat

What a difference five hours
makes on a wintry day!

My chunky Spaghetti Sauce 
will be ready in three hours.

Monday, December 30, 2024

What's Changed @ Thousand Trails Lake Conroe Camping Resort in Willis, Texas?

The Registration Booth

Eric & I are staying in B Section
at Site 6.

This section was under construction
when we stayed here in 2017.

Our closest neighbors

The Reserve has small homes
that can be purchased.

Monthly costs include Lot Rent
& Utilities.

I follow this street to Lake Conroe.

RVers bring their Boats & Fishing
 Poles when they stay here.

Day Passes are also available.

An Osprey watches the water,
looking for fish.

Lunch is just a dive away...

The Activity Center...

The Main Room is set up for
a large group.

The spacious Patio off the
side of the Activities Center

There are now two Laundry Rooms

$1.75 to wash clothes

The four Dryers cost
$1.75 per load.

The Dog Park

Basketball Courts

Shuffle Board &
Tether Ball

Horseshoe Pits

The Pickleball Courts are
on the left.

The Tennis Court is on
the right.

Miniature Golf

Cabanas ring the outer
edge of the Pool Area.

The Soft Ball Field is
across the road from
the Activity Cent

The Car Wash Area

Cabins for Rent

Creekside Extended Vacation Area 
is the seasonal camping section.

Eric & I stayed in a pull-through
campsite in Section F during
our 2017 stay for just four nights.

We were charged $3.00 per night for 50 Amp Electric Service in 2017.  There was no fee for this Service during our current stay.

During this three-week stay, Eric and I are walking and riding our bikes when it doesn't rain.  There are many stores and restaurants in nearby Conroe and other communities.