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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fueling the Motorhome at the Flying J in Tucumcari, New Mexico

Why another blog post

Many of them have different RV lane configurations.  Some have services I don't expect to see in an RV lane.

This Flying J has
a Denny's.

Other Flying Js have Arby's, Chesters, Dairy Queen, Pizza Hut, Subway, Taco Bell, Wendy's Cinnabon, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Huddle House or Moe's Southwest Grill
for food options,

Eric pulled into an RV
lane with lots of

This is the first time I've
seen an air hose next to 
a gas pump at an
RV lane.

I like it!

This lane also has
an RV Dump.

Even with all these services, it's not one stop shopping for every RV at Flying J.

Our propane fill is on the wrong
side to to purchase propane.

We would have to turn around
& re-position the rig to get

This is not unusual at Flying J stations.  The water, sewer and propane fill can be found on the driver OR passenger side, depending on the make and model of the RV.  Gas stations and travel plazas can't be expected to have services perfectly placed for every motorhome, fifth wheel and trailer to use.

Still, I get excited when I see RV lands set up with easy access to services.  And the air hose is a nice addition!

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