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Saturday, November 21, 2015

South... to Carlsbad, New Mexico

As Eric & I leave Roswell,
we pass the Eastern New

We will traveling south
on US Route 285 for
most of today's drive.

Eric stopped so I could get
a shot of two families
meeting on the southern
edge of Roswell.

Agriculture is a major
industry in Chaves

The awnings covering the
picnic tables at this rest
stop look like giants
doing Yoga.

The speed limit on this
stretch of road is
70 miles per hour.

Ranchers build awnings
to shade their cattle.

The Artesia water tower

This city was established
in 1905, the year my
Uncle Paul was born.

A red platform slip on
is the logo for The
Gentlemens Club.

We stop to tour The Ranch 
in Lakewood.

Brantley Lake is a ribbon
of blue crossing the green
 & brown landscape.

The Artesia Bulldogs
bus passes us.

We take the Truck Route
into Carlsbad.

This is oil country.

Eric is planning to park
off this dirt road on 
 Management property.

Eric & I will camp here four nights before moving on.

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