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Monday, November 23, 2015

Our Drive to Carlsbad Caverns National Park Visitor Center in Southeast New Mexico

The limestone caverns continue to grow and change.  

Eric, who is driving, points
out the Barbary Sheep on
the hillside.

This section of road has
day & night time
speed limits.

Continual erosion forms
the mesas & escarpments.
 Eric and I stop to view an exhibit.  It's an Indian Rock Shelter.

Eric inspects the shallow

Smoke residue embeds
the ceiling of the shelter.

Ashes & bones have
been found here.

coats blend into the

"Eagle eye Eric" spotted

 Eric pulls off the road to admire the landscape.

This section of road
has a 20 mile per hour
speed limit.

The fire threat is low

Eric and I are hiking into Carlsbad Caverns today.  The elevators are broken and the only access to the Caverns is by way of the Natural Entrance.

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