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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Walking Around Earthship Biotecture in Tres Piedras, New Mexico

Eric drives northwest to Tres Piedras and says that our next stop will be architecturally interesting... And, it is.

Uniquely designed buildings
rise out of the sagebrush

The lines on this structure
remind me of Frank

We arrive at Earthship

Earthship Biotecture provides guided tours for groups of 10.  Eric and I were the only visitors this morning, so I content myself with taking photos of the exteriors of these unique structures.

The structure on the
right reminds me of

The green masonry
blends into the

Eric points the windows
on this building.

They provide passive solar
heating & plenty of light.

This building also takes
advantage of passive 
solar heating.  

It's beautiful.

This building is under

The round sections don't
have windows.

I assume that solar panels will be used. to power this building.

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