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Friday, November 13, 2015

Starting the Day with a Song @ the Singing Road, East of Tijeras, New Mexico

Eric & I are staying at 
Resort, just off Route 66
in Tijeras.

About 4.5 miles east of our
 campground is The Singing
 Road, at mile marker 364

The melodic road built in 2014 and paid for by National Geographic's show, Crowd Control.  The show highlights ways to change personal behavior.

The first sign alerts drivers to reduce their speed to 45 miles per hour...

... to hear the song.

as we drive on the rumble

The musical tones are created by the tire running over the grooved rumble strip atop metal plates at exactly 45 miles per hour.  Drivers must focus as they drive 45 miles per hour.  Drive too slow and the song won't play.  Drive to fast and there's no music.

Drivers are rewarded for driving at the speed limit.    Eric made a U-turn so we could listen to the song again.

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