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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Eric's "OUCH!" @ Betty's RV Park in Abbeville, Louisiana

Eric's pretty good about not head butting slides on our motorhome.  He's bopped his head a few times and has developed a system.  But....

Our motorhome is parked
as close as possible to
Betty's Louisiana Room.

He was very careful when we was walking close to the motorhome.  He got really close to a metal awning on the building and....

... OUCH!

Eric vs The Metal Awning.

Eric lost.

Eric put together an extensive First Aid Kit five years ago.  We have everything needed to bandage his OUCH!  Because he got a Tetanus Shot last year we don't have to go to Urgent Care.

I am not showing the CSI Photos he took after he got "Butterfly-Stripped and Band-Aided."

Eric's ready to hang out
with Dave & Kathy
& party Cajun Style...

Please ignore the
blood smear...


Squire Frederick Taylor said...

Ouch ! Need to be more careful. Ginny, just got my DNA from Ancestry; 61% Polish. You sent me a file a long time ago with Zapisek geneology. Do you still have it? Can you resend it to me? Where are you headed now?

Ginny said...

Eric & I used 23 & me & My Heritage DNA tests.
23 & me DNA results lists me as over 40% Eastern European.
My Heritage DNA testing shows that I'm about 68% Eastern European.
Maybe I should do an Ancestry DNA test too.

Yes, I'll send you my Zapisek information... I wish it was more complete.

Unknown said...

So what’s in the other 39%. I’ll be honest I’m hoping for even a little Irish. Guinness at the hybernians is $2.50 a pint which is $4 or $5 a pint less than anywhere else. That’s two or three for the price of one. Everyone knows I like a great deal when I can get one!!!

Ginny said...

The other 39% includes Irish, English, Scottish, Welsh, French & Scandinavian. My French Canadian heritage isn't so much French as....
I'm not who I thought I am. I now wear green on St. Pat's Day & raise my glass to Ireland.