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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Walking Along Gulfport's Waterfront at Jones Park

Eric & I stretch our legs at
Jones Park after sampling 

First impressions are

I think this is a "boat wash" for the boats of all sizes that use coastal waters.

It's a large pavilion.

The park's replica lighthouse
from waterside 

Charter Fishing Boats are
docked next to the

Ducks swim past an
empty boat launch.

I wonder what is being
built across the road...

It's the future home of the

An even larger pavilion

Maintenance work:
Applying a new coat
 of paint

Jones Park Educational

Anchor's away.....

Small children play on
"ship-shape" jungle gym.

Eric starts the walk back
to our Jeep.

Gulfport's residents and visitors have a lovely park to make memories in as they play, picnic set sail for .... a three hour tour.  

Just kidding...  The sailing and fishing in this area among the best on the Gulf Coast.

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